Buds and Blooms on the First Full Day of Spring

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While some areas of the country were greeted with snow on this first morning of spring, we awoke to a warm, balmy day. By late afternoon, the thermometer rose to 75F and the garden was just bursting with buds and blooms.

Crocus 'Flower Record'

Puschkinia scilloides (Striped Squill)

Hamamelis vernalis (Witch Hazel)

Helleborus 'Melody'

Viola 'Citrus Mix' (Yellow)

Viola 'Citrus Mix' (Orange)

Syringa vulgaris (Common Lilac)

Salix integra 'Hakuro Nishiki' (Dappled Willow)

Amelanchier arborea (Downy Serviceberry)

Narcissus sp. (Daffodil)
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