Combinations in the Spring Garden

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A new flush of color has emerged in my mid-spring landscape. As I walked through the garden this evening, I noticed enjoyed two plant combinations in the driveway border - one a pleasant surprise, the other a planned marriage of color.

The Liberty snapdragons (Antirrhinum) from last summer's garden remained evergreen throughout our mild winter and have exploded in bloom this past week. Against a background of 'Red Prince' Weigela, they are the highlight of the driveway border. Normally the Weigela blooms would be long gone before I plant summer annuals, so this combination was a pleasant surprise.

At the other end of this border, I just planted seven Geum 'Red Dragon' in and around a patch of catmint (Nepeta). The large red-orange blossoms on top of airy stems become an interwoven complement to the upright blue spikes of the catmint.

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