From One Gardener To Another

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In my mind, there is very little that compares to the generosity of gardeners. Whether it's the sharing of plant divisions or picking up and extra flat of annuals as a gift for one of our friends of the soil, gardeners seem to be genuinely interested in spreading good will in the form of seeds, roots and blooms.

Yesterday was no exception. A fellow gardener and friend who attended my birthday celebration last night came bearing a gift wrapped in small pot. Inside, I was pleased to find five Allium aflatunense 'Purple Sensation' bulbs. This particular Allium displays 4" round, lilac-colored flower heads on 24-36" stems. I've never grown Allium in my garden, but have always admired it in other locations, so I'm eagerly looking forward to next May when I can enjoy the flowers.

Today, I planted the bulbs along the base of the 'Fat Albert' blue spruce (Picea pungens), behind Mugo pine (Pinus mugo) in our front border. The spruce should provide a nice textural backdrop for the Allium flowers and the color will complement the nearby Baptisia australis.

I hope I can return my friend and fellow gardener's generosity in the near future.
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