Garden, Oven, Table, That Order

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Just the other day, I read an article called "5 foods it's cheaper to grow" by Sally Herigstad over at MSN Money. The gist of the article is that many fruits and vegetables are more expensive to grow in a home garden then they are to buy at the grocery or farmer's market. Number five on Herigstad's list of "worth-it-to-grow-at-home" produce are bell peppers, especially if you like your peppers some other color besides green. Often found at the grocery at $2-$3 per pepper, a plant purchased in flats at 4/$1.50 can produce at a rate where each pepper ends up costing just pennies even when you figure in growing costs.

I've been anticipating the first red peppers ready for harvest, craving one of my favorite meals from childhood - stuffed peppers. While my mother always made stuffed peppers with green bell peppers, I prefer to wait until they are red and sweeter than the younger green peppers. (Waiting until they are red also gives you more bang for your buck.)

Yesterday, there were six peppers perfectly red and ready for harvest. What a perfect night to get the oven ready to bake stuffed peppers.

After preparing the stuffing (ground beef, rice, tomatoes and seasonings), I sliced the tops off the peppers, cleaned out the seeds, and filled the peppers. Next, it was off to the oven in a baking dish surrounded by the extra filling.

While I didn't get a good photograph of the finished product, believe me when I say it was as scrumptious as I expected and well worth the effort in the garden.
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