Sharing of the Little Moments

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We've had a string of nice sunrises and sunsets lately, but none of the drop everything and grab the camera variety.

I sat drinking coffee on Friday morning, enjoying the calm before I woke my son for school and I prepared for a day at work. Bright orange sun streamed through my apartment kitchen window, silhouetting the coleus cuttings I'm rooting in a water goblet.

Even from a distance, I could see the sky reflected in the bowl and stem of the glass, despite the windows being fogged with condensation.

I returned to my coffee and my morning news feed with a thought lingering.

I need to share that. 

And so I did. Several of my Facebook friends found the same marvel in the image as I did with my own eyes.

This morning, Saturday, I realized that I'd shared more than ten posts on Facebook before noon. A different thought, one of concern, crossed my mind.

I wonder if I share too much. 

That concern hung with me most of the day, as my posting pace slowed but didn't shrivel. Especially on the weekends, I share with my social media friends and followers much like I'd share in person with a good friend or family member. If I find something interesting, have a question I can't answer on my own, or simply crave some interaction, I share.

While there may be social media strategists who use analytics to optimize the frequency and timing for maximum engagement, I'm not seeking that kind of return on investment.

I'm seeking the connections I have with others. In the sharing of these little moments, we understand one another and start to build our common ground.
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