Flipping the Turkey. Giving. Thanks. Happy.

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There are entire bookstore sections dedicated to the subject of finding happiness. I've certainly browsed through a few of these tomes, even consuming some of them in their entirety. Some of them resonated with me; others fell on unresponsive emotions. But none of them gave me the answer. Where is happiness and how do you find it?

I think I've answered that question for myself. For me, happiness isn't a thing to a acquire. It isn't a place to locate. Happiness is simply an effect, a feeling that happens when I get what I want out of life.

So the question really is: What do I want out of life? It's taken me a little over 40 years, but I finally answered that question.

I want to make a positive difference in the lives of others. 

This year has been one of great personal and professional change for me, most of which has afforded me the opportunities to make that difference I crave. This Thanksgiving, it feels like I've finally discovered the secret to my own happiness. Those days when I give of myself and am thankful for the opportunities I have, I find happiness. It's that simple.

I call it flipping the turkey -- reversing the traditional holiday greeting of Happy Thanksgiving.

Practice giving every day. Expressing thanks with every sunset. Find happy within yourself.

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