What Tropical Heat Wave?

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Over the past week, unusually high dew points and extreme temperatures have made most of the Midwest feel like the tropics...except for the fact that we're having one of the driest months ever recorded in July. Until today's 1.5 inches of rain, we'd received less than a tenth of an inch of precipitation all month. Our lawns and many landscape plants simply give up in these kind of conditions, unless we water them on an almost daily basis.

But I haven't heard a peep of surrender from the tropical plants. They're saying, "What tropical heat wave? This feels like home!"

After today's rain tapered off, I took a walk through the garden to photograph some of the tropical plants that don't seem to mind our Midwest version of the tropics.

Musa 'Zebrina'

Musa 'Zebrina'




Colocasia 'Illustris'

Colocasia 'Illustris'

Anthurium (plant courtesy of Costa Farms)

Anthurium (plant courtesy of Costa Farms)

Mandevilla  Sun Parasol® 'Crimson' (plant courtesy of Costa Farms)

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